As of May 4, 2020, all Covid-19 executive orders and mandates for dental offices in the State of Florida have been lifted. What does this mean for you? It means that our office can resume normal operations performing routine and elective dental procedures. As you know, infection control has always been a top priority in our office and due to the recent pandemic, we have increased our standards and protocols for the highest protection level for our patients and staff. Listed below are the safety measures that have been implemented in our office to ensure a safe environment for all.
Dr. Chebanu is proud to announce the addition of Ozone Therapy to the office.
Ozone gas has very high oxidation potential and is 1.5 times greater than chlorine when used as an antimicrobial agent against bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa. It also has the capacity to stimulate blood circulation and the immune response. Ozone generating equipment converts oxygen to ozone for either liquid, gas, or oil administration. Controlled ozone application has been found to be extremely safe, biocompatible, and free from side effects. Our office strives to provide our patients with improved ways to manage their oral health.
Dr. Chebanu is pleased to announce the addition of ceramic implants to the practice. Ceramic implants are for patients seeking a metal-free alternative with excellent biocompatibility and natural looking results.
With today's busy, stressful lifestyle, the signs of aging are inevitable. And until recently, the only significant option was a surgical facelift. Thanks to new technology, men and women have a new option called Threadlift.
Threadlift is a safe, non-surgical, in-office procedure with minimal recovery and little pain. Designed to be less invasive, it is used to smooth and lift wrinkled or sagging skin for an immediate visible result.
High temperatures and increased UV rays are always the norm in South Florida, and with year long sun, sunburns and sun damage seem inevitable. Even with the increased use of sun screens, many people are seeing the effects of sun damage such as wrinkles, brown spots, and overall dryness as they age. Why? Because the effects of the sun can appear as long as 20 to 30 years after sun damage first occurs. So even if your sun worshiping days are over, the result of your prior sun exposure may only now be emerging.
Our office offers 6 and 12 month no interest financing and 24 to 60 month low financing
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