TMJ Disorders

Our office performs a full examination of the TM joints, head, neck and facial region, as well as x-rays and MRI evaluation. All treatments and therapies are performed in our office for your convenience.

Causes Of Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction

TMJ can be caused by trauma such as strains, sprains, injuries (whiplash, blow to the head or neck), posture, stress or the teeth not meeting properly. The teeth can appear to be perfectly straight, but this can be deceiving. The patient may still have a problem because the alignment (occlusion) does not match with the correct jaw joint or muscle position. While general dentists are normally not trained to recognize TMD problems, our office has acquired the special education and training needed to look for the appropriate teeth and jaw position that is so important when treating TMD.





Symptoms of Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction
* Chronic Headaches
* Limited mandibular movements or locking open/closed
* TMJ sounds; clicking, popping, grating
* Pain when chewing
* Difficulty closing teeth together
* Dizziness
* Ear fullness or pain
* Facial pain
* Neck pain or stiffness

Treatment of Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction

While some symptoms are temporarily improved with pharmaceutical drugs, additional therapies that reduce pain and promote healing for the long term may include:

* Orthotic therapy
* Ultrasound
* Hot/cold therapy
* Iontophoresis
* Various injections
* Spray and Stretch
* Jaw exercises
* Electrical therapies



This unit is the perfect combination for reducing pain and promoting healing of muscles and ligaments.